TomTom is your personal navigation assistant in World of Warcraft. This addon is very simple, but provides a nice set of functionality. Thanks to Esamynn for Astrolabe, which does the bulk of the work in this addon. TomTom offers the following major features: • Set waypoints via command, or by clicking on the world map • A draggable coordinate display with customizable accuracy.


This frame can be hidden or locked. • Player and cursor coordinates on the World Map (these can be hidden) • A floating 'crazy-taxi' style arrow that points you to your destination • Displaying the 'crazy-taxi' arrow or coordinate block in compatible LDB displays (such as ) • Show a waypoint that points you towards your corpse for easy recovery • Can set waypoints by clicking on quest objective POIs on the World Map and watch frame. [*]Can automatically set waypoints to your closest quest objective Please also check out LightHeaded: Slash Commands: /tomtom - Opens configuration GUI In addition you can use the /way command to add and reset waypoints.

Akt perekatki pozharnih rukavov obrazec. In order to overcome conflicts with the Cartographer /way command, you can also use /tway to access TomTom's waypoint command. The following slash commands are available: Add a new waypoint at 14.78, 23.90.

Navigator FREE - is a OpenStreetMaps based free turn-by-turn GPS navigation by mapFactor for Windows, Windows Mobile devices. Download Navigator. MapFactor product offer for Professionals with TomTom (TeleAtlas) map data.

Code: /closestwayWhen you set a waypoint, a dot will appear (green) on your minimap. When it goes out of range of the minimap display, it will turn into an arrow, just like the default UI. You can mouse over these waypoints to get detailed information about that waypoint. TomTom has been designed to publish the Crazy-Arrow and Coordinate Block as LDB feeds, allowing them to be displayed in compatible display addons. Gotika 3 otvergnutie bogi prohozhdenie igri 1. I've written a very simple, easy-to-configure panel that is capable of displaying these called.

Donations: Some people have asked, so here is a way to send me donations: If you're looking to bulk import waypoints (to track achievements, etc), a community member has provided a great addon that lets you do this easily. Take a look at. Code: 3x TomTom TomTom-v80001-1.0.1.lua:1061: Usage: local info = C_Map.GetMapInfo(uiMapID) [C]: in function `GetMapInfo' TomTom TomTom-v80001-1.0.1.lua:1061: in function `GetCZWFromMapID' TomTom TomTom-v80001-1.0.1.lua:1079: in function `GetClosestWaypoint' TomTom TomTom-v80001-1.0.1.lua:1116: in function `SetClosestWaypoint' TomTom TomTom_CrazyArrow.lua:132: in function Locals: (*temporary) = nilThis happened on the last step of Pebble 13 on the way to the B'aal pet.