I too would like to find a way to mimic a 'goto' function. Kak sdelatj 3 h kolesnij velosiped dlya vzroslih. In my program, I have a VI that determines if temperature (T1) is stable to within a certain limit for a certain amount of time. After I've found that it's stable, I need to check if another temperature (T2) is within a certain range of a set temp. If it's not, I need to raise T1 so that T2 will also rise to be within range. Then I need to use the aforementioned VI again to check when T1 is stable again. I wish I could just do something like loop the error cluster wire back on itself, making a sort of 'goto' command. Otherwise I need to make a very complicated nested While Loop structure.

Perhaps I can figure something out with an Event List. Anyone got any suggestions?

Hi I was wondering if there's anything like a 'goto' command in labview. For example, if I am in a for loop (and the for loop hasn't. If you open Robot Main.vi, you’ll see an arrow up in the top left of the window. That’s the Run button. If you have communications with your robot (see Driver Station below), then you can click Run to deploy code to the robot. If you deploy code this way, the code will not remain on the robot permanently.