Quantity: • «« Start • « Prev • 1 • • • Shungite is a unique rock and has no analogs. The unique composition of stone, that consist almost for 98% of carbon and fullerenes, has healing properties, absorbs dirt and harmful trace elements. Shungite water is a unique source of healing of the human body of any age, and can be used to treat many diseases. Specific effects on the body Due to the high level of fullerenes, after placing shungite in water, the latter possesses a self-purifying effect, it can effectively cure dermatological problems, rashes and allergic inflammations without the use of harmful medications.

Shungite water quickly absorbs everything negative, it is useful for large companies to offer it to employees, as it is able to relieve the stress from constant work under pressure, in geopathogenic and electromagnetic radiation. After a few of its uses, you will notice a significant burst of energy, cheerfulness and a great mood in the mornings, regardless of the weather outside the window. With the help of shungite, even water of the poorest quality can be made suitable for use, by removing harmful elements from it. It is recommended to consume shungite water in families every day to achieve great results. It allows to quickly get rid of chronic gastritis, colitis and inflammation of the gallbladder. Also, it has an antihistamine effect and can be used for drinking and cooking for allergic infants.

How to use shungite properly The process of making real shungite water is laborious enough, but the result is worth it. Even the most turbid water will become transparent and pleasant to drink, besides it will get enriched with useful trace elements. Shungite, used for water purification, is recommended to be changed at least every six months, as heavy metals and harmful impurities accumulate in it. To settle the water with shungite, choose glassware or enameled glassware, as metal will react with the mineral and oxidize. It is recommended to leave the shungite in water for three days. After that ⅔ of the water should be drained for consumption, and the remaining water from the bottom should be removed as it is unfit for consumption. Shungite should be washed after each use, to help it restore its useful properties.

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Such water can be effectively used in the form of compresses or inhalations, if you are prone to frequent colds. Regular bath with shungite water allows you to quickly and permanently remove fatigue, restore strength, completely relieve tension from muscles and joints, heal deep wounds and cuts on the skin. To make a shungite bath, just dip a small bag of hot shungite into the bathroom and wait for a few minutes. 3d sexvilla 2 full download for android. Shungite water - recommendations for use According to scientific studies, there are no special prohibitions on the use of shungite water in everyday life. There are no toxins harmful to health or heavy metals in it, but it is best to consult a physician before using it, in case you suffer from: • Malignant tumors; • Chronic cardiovascular diseases; • Thrombosis; • Exacerbating inflammatory processes of internal organs. Its useful qualities were appreciated by many of our clients who suffered from dermatological diseases and exhausting seasonal allergies.