This is a PortalGun for Half-Life 2. It's differn't then other mods as they are a cheep gameinfo.txt edit of Portal. This is not one of those! Then what is it you may ask? I custom PortalGun.


It doesn't work 100% like the one in Portal, but it is the best damn one I could do. And because this isn't a cheep edit of Portal, the NPCs use guns correctly! It doesn't need Counter-Strike: Source, just ignore the image where I was on CS_office.

Garmin xt wince 800x480 2. Garmin Wince 800x480 Sdmmc Rar 14 - DOWNLOAD. Garmin XT 5.52 (Garmin Asus M10) for WINCE 6 (800x480) Seems it is not important the name SDMMC (on my mio the name is Storage Card - and the script reads the exact card of the machine into a variable). Before starting run_garmin.exe on most machines it must be started explorer.exe (must be resident in RAM). Garmin Xt on 7' 800x480 screen Can anyone show me how to install garmin xt on my car's dvd/gps with 7' 800x480 screen running winCE 5.0 build 1400? I have tried various versions from other sites but no luck. I can install and unlock them for 480x272 or 480x234 devices but for some reason the same files will not work for my device, even when modified the garmin.mscr.

To give yourself the portalgun in game, press 5 on the keypad. Needs Half-Life 2, EP1, EP2 and Portal to work. If you are a delevoper and you would like to base your mod off of this, then the link is [here](' (^.^)/').

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