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The ICE Office of Acquisition Management (OAQ) is a highly professional, customer-focused organization with an enterprise-wide, strategic approach to procurement. OAQ operates as a full business partner with internal and external organizations and serves as a strategic asset dedicated to improving the agency's overall business performance. OAQ procures various products and services such as: • Law enforcement services and products, including handcuffs, hand restraints, guns and ammunition; • Detention and removal services such as temporary housing, food, clothing and transportation, including air charter flights; • Operational support like data analysis, interpreter services and clerical support; and • Information technology supplies and services, including computers, security equipment, software and telecommunications equipment Mission To deliver quality acquisition solutions in support of the ICE and DHS missions. Unsolicited proposals can help ICE accomplish its mission. The proposal must be prepared independent of government advice or supervision. Before beginning the unsolicited proposal process, a vendor should carefully and objectively assess its product or service to ensure that it is not commercially available and it meets the specific criteria of of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). This regulation can be accessed at.

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Unsolicited proposals are contingent on the availability of funds and the absence of other possible vendors. ICE encourages the submission of unsolicited proposals meeting the criteria noted above. Unsolicited proposals should be directed to.

Barutana lapidarium, ancient monuments from found at show that the area around Belgrade was inhabited by in the and eras. Some of these tools belong to the, which are associated with rather than modern humans.

And tools have also been discovered there, indicating occupation between 50,000 and 20,000 years ago. The first farming people to settle in the region are associated with the, which flourished between 6200 and 5200 BC. There are several Starčevo sites in and around Belgrade, including the eponymous site of.

The Starčevo culture was succeeded by the (5500–4500 BC), a more sophisticated farming culture that grew out of the earlier Starčevo settlements which is also named for a site in the Belgrade region (). The Vinča culture is known for its very large settlements, one of the earliest and some of the largest in prehistoric Europe; anthropomorphic figurines such as the; the earliest known in Europe; a form developed prior to the and, known as the, dating back to around 5300 BC. Arhiv proshivok dlya televizorov samsung s6. When it comes to the modern urban zone of the city, in the modern Cetinjska Street in downtown, a skull of a Paleolithic human was discovered in 1890. The skull is dated to before 5000 BC. Antiquity [ ]. The walls of the, where the walls of the Roman had been discovered Evidence of early knowledge about Belgrade's geographical location comes from ancient myths and legends.