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• Title: Professor • Subject Area: History and Religious Studies About Lavanya Vemsani, award winning scholar and professor of History specializing in Indian History and Religions, is Professor of History in the department of Social Sciences at Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio. She holds two doctorates in the subjects of Religious Studies (McMaster University) and History (University of Hyderabad). She was awarded South Asia Council of the Canadian Asian Studies Association's (SACA/CASA) Best Thesis Honorable Mention prize for her Ph.D. Thesis at McMaster University. Her research and teaching interests are varied, and multifold.

She researches and publishes on subjects of ancient history and religions as well as current history of India. Her books include Modern Hinduism in Text and Context; Krishna in History, Thought, and Culture: Encyclopedia of the Hindu Lord of Many Names; Hindu and Jain Mythology of Balarama.

She is the Editor-in-Chief of American Journal of Indic Studies; Managing Editor of International Journal of Indic Studies and Editorial and Review Board Member of Air Force Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs as well as Canadian Journal of History. She is current Vice-President and President-Elect of Ohio Academy of History (2018-2020). Education • Ph.D. (Religious Studies) McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada), 2004 Balarama: Change and Continuity in an Indian Cult • Ph.D.

Mohammadreza Nasiriavanaki Biography In 2012, Mohammad received a Ph.D. With Outstanding Achievement in Medical Optical Imaging and Computing from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom. His bachelor's and master's degrees with honors are in electronics engineering. In 2014, he completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis, in the OILab.

He is currently assistant professor in the Biomedical Engineering department of Wayne State University and Scientific member of Karmanos Cancer Institute. He is also serving as the chair of bio-instrumentation track. Avanaki has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in journals such as PNAS, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Biomedical Optics, Optics Letters, and Applied Optics.

He has served as a peer-reviewer for PNAS, PLOS ONE, MICCAI, Optics Letters, Optics Express, and Journal of Biomedical Optics. In addition to delivering several invited talks, he has presented at conferences across the globe, including MICCAI, MIUA, MVIP, and Photonics West, and has received several best paper awards. He has also been serving as a member of the technical program committee for the IEEE ICIP, ICACCI and MICCAI conferences. Avanaki serves as the associate editor for Applied Optics Journal as well as Journal of Biological Instrumentation. Reimage repair keygen free download. Education Ph.D., Medical Optical Imaging and Computing, University of Kent, United Kingdom (Outstanding achievement honor) Courses Taught • BME3470: Biomedical Signals and Systems • BME 5995: Biomedical Optics & Biophotonics • BME 1910: Biomedical Engineering Design lab I • BME 1920: Biomedical Engineering Design lab II Research Interests • Photoacoustic (PA) imaging. • Ultrasound Imaging/Tomography • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging • Laser and Optics • Medical Signal / Image Processing • Wavefront Engineering / Beam shaping • Brain Functional Imaging and Resting-State Functional Connectivity • Skin Cancer Diagnostics via Optical Imaging Research Projects Dr. Avanaki's lab focuses on developing imaging modalities including photoacoustic imaging, optical coherence tomography, and diffused optical tomography to study brain, eye and skin abnormalities.

Graduate research assistant positions are available. Applicants who have a strong background in electronics, signal processing or optical/ultrasound imaging are encouraged to email your curriculum vitae to Dr. Avanaki at